Thursday, July 9, 2020

Seed of Light

The darkness,
The deepness
of the night,
swallows me.

I grope, I crawl.
My breath runs out.
Exhaustion and confusion,
I crumple to the ground.

Foot steps,
Foot steps!
They come

A light in the darkness,
my Savior has come!
I look up, and see
darkness around me.

The light,
The light!
Where has
it gone?

The light is within me!
Another needs the light I bear!
Another struggling soul!

I must get up,
so I crawl,
I walk,
I run!

To find the others
who will need
the help and light
from my small seed.

My seed
of light,
of hope,
and trust.

by Ben Roy

[I wrote this after learning Invictus]

Sunday, July 5, 2020

My Father

My Father is Fearless,
to try something new.

My Father is Active,
at home, church, and work.

My Father Teaches me,
by his words and deeds.

My Father is Humble,
and repents when wrong.

My Father is Eternal,
with his wife and kids.

My Father is responsible,
and that is why I learned...

So much about life,
from one who is a ...

The man I call

(He wrote this for Kevin's 44th birthday.)