Thursday, July 11, 2019

Help Me

 Help me to feel, help me to see
     help me to do, help me to be.
This is the prayer I say each day
     when I rise up and go on my way.

It takes effort and great discipline
     to change my weakness and my sin.
But that to me, God can't impart - 
     the change must be inside my heart.

So, help me to feel, help me to see
     help me to do, help me to be.
This is the prayer I say each day
     when I rise up and go my way.

Text: Janice Renee Payne (1942-2019)
Arranged: Liisa Monson Payne (2019) - Liisa shared this song with us at the Payne Family Reunion as part of our Memorial Reunion to remember and enjoy memories of Grammy.

From her poem:

Help Me

"Help me to feel, Help me to see
Help me to do, Help me to be"

This is the prayer I say each day
Then I rise from my knees and go on my way

Throughout the day, do I really care
Do I even remember my morning prayer

Having the desire to change is good
But it's not enough to become what I should

Habits are formed in myriad ways
repeatedly fortified through countless days

To now undo what time has done
Is difficult at best, and never fun

Effort is essential, and great discipline
To replace my weaknesses and my sin

To feel and see, To do and be
Will require a new and different me

Perhaps a new heart as Saul received
Would help me goal to be achieved

But that to me God cannot impart
If I'm not prepared to receive a new heart

So the change must be inside of me
Or I'll never become what I pray to be