Thursday, December 31, 2020

 Poor Dead Bob (sung to Three Blind Mice, more or less)

Poor Dead Bob. Poor Dead Bob.
See how he runs. Not at all.
He lays so still on the side of the road,
Not moving a muscle at all.
I guess he should have watched out for the car.
Poor Dead Bob. Poor Dead Bob.

Three Blind Mice. Three Blind Mice.
See how they run. See how they run.
They all run after the farmers wife,
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife.
Did you ever see such a site in your life.
Three Blind Mice. Three Blind Mice.

It fits well in my own way. We made this up after Marissa ran over a skunk while driving on Washington to pick up Xander for seminary. It probably happened the fall semester of 2018, soon after she received her permit, but I don't know the exact date.

Friday, December 4, 2020

The Resiliency of Two

 It started like a normal day
They all start like that
My family
And my neighbor
In the backyard for dinner cooked over the fire

My little sisters playing as little sisters do
Having fun
The baby with them - but she's not a baby
Not anymore
But she's the youngest, so
Even though she's two now, she's still the baby

Everything was going fine
Until she fell
Into the firepit
And screamed

I wasn't there
I didn't see it happen
I only heard about it later
I never saw what her hands looked like
Burned, blistered
I only saw them covered in bandages
She wouldn't use them
Because it hurt, or because she was scared
We weren't sure

While the bandages were on
She was fine
But when the bandages had to e changed
She remembered, and it hurt again
She was brave, though
She held so still
Surprised us with the things she said
Things like, "holy crap!"
When did she learn to say that?
We laughed

She healed fast
Pink, new skin where the old had burned away
Delicate, tender, but healing
And then she could suck her thumb again
A small thing, but we rejoiced
She could sleep easier
And she wasn't scared to hurt it more

Now you wouldn't even know
Nothing more than scars
And even those are fading
Will probably disappear completely
With time
I have often watched her in awe
She has recovered well
And I wonder
At the resiliency of two

By Emily Roy

(She wrote this yesterday for her Young Adult Literature class at Delta.)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Beach

The beach is grand.
I love the sand.
I love the blue, blue sky.
I see an eagle passing by.
The world is beautiful, I can see
It was made just for me!

by Harmonie

(Her lesson in school asked her to write a two line poem with rhyming words about the beach. She couldn't stop with two lines.)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


People try to define me,
but I cannot be contained.
Indeed I am frequently found
when the limits are broken.

I create awe, surprise, and admiration,
for I am beautiful; a miracle.
Yet I also create fear,
for those who do not understand me hate me.

I love children best for with them,
I can be found anywhere.
I always joy in the brave,
for they are those who seek me out.

I sorrow for those who will never seek,
for truly I am a treasure.
I can be found even now,
but will you look in the dark or the light?

I wait with gifts; I am prepared for you.
Will you know me when you come?
Do you know me?
I am Wonder.

by Marissa

(Note sure when she wrote this, but probably some time in 2019-2020.)

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Seed of Light

The darkness,
The deepness
of the night,
swallows me.

I grope, I crawl.
My breath runs out.
Exhaustion and confusion,
I crumple to the ground.

Foot steps,
Foot steps!
They come

A light in the darkness,
my Savior has come!
I look up, and see
darkness around me.

The light,
The light!
Where has
it gone?

The light is within me!
Another needs the light I bear!
Another struggling soul!

I must get up,
so I crawl,
I walk,
I run!

To find the others
who will need
the help and light
from my small seed.

My seed
of light,
of hope,
and trust.

by Ben Roy

[I wrote this after learning Invictus]

Sunday, July 5, 2020

My Father

My Father is Fearless,
to try something new.

My Father is Active,
at home, church, and work.

My Father Teaches me,
by his words and deeds.

My Father is Humble,
and repents when wrong.

My Father is Eternal,
with his wife and kids.

My Father is responsible,
and that is why I learned...

So much about life,
from one who is a ...

The man I call

(He wrote this for Kevin's 44th birthday.)

Sunday, May 10, 2020

 Only a mother
          By Kemiah Roy

Only a mother
Could trudge through the snow
To find all her children
And know where to go.

Only a mother
Could love like no other
With love in her heart
She'd choose the better part.

Only a mother
Is full of dedication
No matter her education
Even though the way is hard
Even though her life is charred
Only a mother
could love like no other.

Oh yes a mother
Like no other
There's no one as good as a mother
Just like no other
And that's why I love my mother.

(Written for 2020 Mother's Day, but not sure exactly what day she wrote it.)

 A Mother, the wonder of
       By Benjamin Roy

A Mother Motivates
All her children with love.
A Mother Observes
And serves where she can.
A Mother Teaches
By the life she leads.
A Mother Heals
All our wounds through life.
A Mother Embraces
And loves all those around.
A Mother Rejoices
When her children succeed.

A Mother,
A Teacher,
A Mentor,
An Angel.

Nothing can stop her
From doing her best,
to change the world,
shall she ever rest?

A Mother is a wonder,
A wonder to behold.
Her legacy will ripple,
for generations untold.

(He wrote it for 2020 Mother's Day, just not sure of the exact day.)

Monday, February 24, 2020

To the Top

To the top,
to the top,
to the top,
we must ascend.

To the top,
to the top,
to the top,
we must climb.

To the top,
we must climb
to see the
other side.

We must overcome
the mountains of our lives
so we still climb
to the top!

Over bolder and rocks,
through snow and ice.
We must endure
to the top.

We must lift
as we climb
to help others
to the top.

We will overcome.
We will endure.
We will lift.
We will serve.

We will see
the other side.
We will rejoice
and be free.

Ben Roy

Christ My Savior

Christ my Savior
always is near
throughout my pain
troubles and fear

Christ my brother
ready to hear
my needy prayer
and dry my tear

Thy atonement
brings me to thee
as I struggle
thou come to me

Christ give me strength
beyond my own
to help others
to be with thee

by Benjamin

(some was written 9/29/2019, the last one was written 10/20/2019, and some organizing may have happened then, too)

Friday, February 14, 2020

My Psalm

Oh Lord, my God,
The Savior of my soul.
My heart has broken.
Can Thou make me whole?

I want to return to Thee
But I have fallen yet again.
Lord, I believe Thou can help me,
Strengthen me, against my sin.

I want to love Thee
And keep Thy holy word,
But my flesh is strong
And my spirit has been weak.

Oh Lord, I pray to Thee.
Thy will I'll follow.
Thy word shall guide me
To be perfect through Thee.

Heavenly Father, I thank Thee
For the gift of Thy Son.
Christ, through Thy grace
I shall be whole.

by Benjamin

(Written in seminary 2/13/2020)