Monday, February 24, 2020

To the Top

To the top,
to the top,
to the top,
we must ascend.

To the top,
to the top,
to the top,
we must climb.

To the top,
we must climb
to see the
other side.

We must overcome
the mountains of our lives
so we still climb
to the top!

Over bolder and rocks,
through snow and ice.
We must endure
to the top.

We must lift
as we climb
to help others
to the top.

We will overcome.
We will endure.
We will lift.
We will serve.

We will see
the other side.
We will rejoice
and be free.

Ben Roy

Christ My Savior

Christ my Savior
always is near
throughout my pain
troubles and fear

Christ my brother
ready to hear
my needy prayer
and dry my tear

Thy atonement
brings me to thee
as I struggle
thou come to me

Christ give me strength
beyond my own
to help others
to be with thee

by Benjamin

(some was written 9/29/2019, the last one was written 10/20/2019, and some organizing may have happened then, too)

Friday, February 14, 2020

My Psalm

Oh Lord, my God,
The Savior of my soul.
My heart has broken.
Can Thou make me whole?

I want to return to Thee
But I have fallen yet again.
Lord, I believe Thou can help me,
Strengthen me, against my sin.

I want to love Thee
And keep Thy holy word,
But my flesh is strong
And my spirit has been weak.

Oh Lord, I pray to Thee.
Thy will I'll follow.
Thy word shall guide me
To be perfect through Thee.

Heavenly Father, I thank Thee
For the gift of Thy Son.
Christ, through Thy grace
I shall be whole.

by Benjamin

(Written in seminary 2/13/2020)