Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day treats for Dad

I really love my Father.
I'm proud to be his daughter.
He is so strong.
He's rarely wrong.
Like him there is no others.
~ Emily (12)

Hip hip hip hurray!
Have a happy Father's Day!
Even though you think I'm a nut,
You know I love you no matter what.
~ Xiomara (10)

My Dad is really great
'Cause he is never late
To anything we celebrate.
I really love my dad.
~ Emily

My Daddy is best.
Though sometimes I'm a pest.
He always love me anyway,
Even more than I can say.
~ Marissa (14) and Emily

Though this poem is not the best,
I now who's best in ev'ry test.
Who likes to work, and sometimes play?
Who makes me smile throughout the day?
Who's sometimes serious but mostly silly
And make my head go willy-nilly?
I'm sure you've guessed! Haven't you Dad?
Yes, you! The best Dad to be had!
~ Marissa (her own card)

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

New Limericks for a new round of worksheets

There was a small calendar
Who heard very loud thunder.
She saw a big flash of light
So she shook with great fright,
And her bed she dove under.
~ Domonique

A cute little cloud floated in the sky
Watching seeds and birds fly by,
While farmers worked below,
Working with a hoe.
The lonely little cloud breathed a lonely sigh.
~ Xiomara

Friday, February 17, 2017

Little Nest

Once I saw a little nest.
Tucked inside, 3 eggs did rest.
Up-a-top a tree so tall.
Oh, I hope those eggs don't fall.

by Emily

She wrote all these poems a while ago, we are just now getting around to posting them. She has quite the poetic talent. She says she gets it from Grammy!

In the Winter

In the winter, when it snows,
I always have cold hands and toes.
How many weeks? It's around 10
Until Spring can come again.

by Emily


Big and furry,
Not in a hurry,
Walking slowly but surely
A grizzly bear.

by Emily

Never Alone

I seem to find myself alone
In dark and dreadful days.
I am never alone, this I have known,
That God is my sunshine rays.

God is always with me;
I know this to be true.
I now will try to be,
Oh Father, just like you.

Oh Father, send the Holy Ghost
To tell me how to be.
Oh Father, please stay close,
So I can be like Thee.

by Xiomara

(the first posting was on 12/9/15)

She just kept adding and coming up with more stanzas.
The next three were added the first part of 2016.
The second to last stanza was added for our neighbor, Bill, in Dec. 2016.

With friends and family near
To God I will ever plea
For parents that always hear
Like God I’ll always be

At times I try to fly alone

Until I start to fall.
I’ll never make it to His throne
Until I start to call.

At times I feel discouraged

And think I cannot be
A person who has courage.
Oh, Father, please help me

Because I know He cares
Christ will heal you.
His love can reach you anywhere
As long as you be true.

Oh, Father, of us all,
Help me to stand tall.
Oh, Father, up above,
Please help me feel Thy love.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Jesus Christ

At night before I go to sleep
I think of a person I want to meet.
Jesus Christ, the holy one,
God the Father's perfect Son.
The crown of thorns placed upon his head,
remember what He hath said,
"Father forgive them for they know now what they do."
How does this apply to you?

By Kemiah

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Journey of a Seed

Once you push a seed
Deep into the ground,
Down there it will be
Nicely safe and sound.

With water and with sun
Your plant now has leaves.
It's journey's just begun,
It will become a tree.

Faith is like this seed.
With help, they both can grow.
Giv'n the nurture that they need,
There is more we'll know.

by Emily

She wrote this and emailed it to Grammy for Valentine's Day. She had the first two stanzas written a while ago but just finished with the third a week ago.